The SicKids team has arrived in Cambodia for a busy week of clinics and teaching, supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Joining our Chairperson, Professor Andrew Rowland, and Trustee Den Carter, are two new SicKids grant recipients, Diana Manchester, a Speech and Language therapist, and Lesley Lord, a children’s Physiotherapist. They’re both practitioners at Fairfield General Hospital, Bury.
Diana and Lesley applied for SicKids grants to travel to Cambodia as a career development opportunity, and to share new skills to local health and social care workers in Sihanoukville.
Diana is an expert at helping children to communicate in ways that might not be by using words (like those with autism) and also helping to develop language skills.
Lesley will do comprehensive assessments of children who are physically disabled and help to put strategies in place to improve movement, joints and posture.

Meanwhile, we’re also thrilled that Dr Bratati Bose-Haider, who traveled to Sihanoukville with a SicKids grant last year, has returned to the region with the team, this time as a volunteer. She will join Andrew for a week of specialist clinics. Child developmental delay is prevalent in areas of poverty, such as this region of Southern Cambodia.
Once again, our base for the week is M’Lop Tapang, a non-governmental organisation that provides health services and education both at their main campus and in satellite centres and mobile outreach facilities across the region.
Later this week we’ll also open our fourth Cambodian SicKids Sensory Space, this time in the north of Cambodia – watch this space!
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